It is quiet now.
The world is distant. Life is different.
I can hear sounds forgotten from long ago and I bask in the surrender of peace.
Like the surf in the ocean, thoughts swirl through my mind. Pain and triumph pushed down now bubbles to the surface demanding air.
A moment to grieve, a moment relieved, a moment to be and a chance to let it all go.
Under the currents of life’s joys and even the pain of its trials, I am embraced.
We all have a story, whether we believe it is powerful or not. Mine is not so significant, but what is noteworthy is the etchings on my life showing His grace, His love, His protection.
Anchored in God’s promise that His plan is perfect, I gasp for His breathe of life. Despite what seems to be setbacks, I am redeemed.
Our life is our choice. You can only wade for so long before you learn how to swim or get knocked down by the waves.
Some days it will be effortless, almost without much exertion. In a fluid motion you go through the day and float on the top of the waters secure with what is holding you up. Some days we will tire easily going against constant currents of a difficult life. You will feel each stroke made. But life is not made by strokes of luck when you make it out on top.
We may not notice at the time, but those currents we swim against progress our faith, we go farther than we have pushed before. Our days are defined by our strength to keep rising when we rest in our constant Champion who gives freely to those who swim toward Him. We win when we set our gaze on the horizon and not the waters we are in.
We can savor the spray of the water on our face. It is refreshing, rejuvenating and quiet in that moment.
Perhaps even tranquil even if others see peril.
For His way is not our way.
Peace is not achieved through ease. Peace succeeds after our fall into His arms.
Grief cannot take it; though our sorrow may mask as if it has. Assuredly as the waters crest, we can anchor to God through these passages. He sees the waters and reigns over its power. His heart is tender to our cries.
It is our choice to call out to Him or to holler at the unknown.
I do not have all the answers, all I know is calamity will seem to strike when you are weighted in your own strength. When your pride will not reach for the life preserver of forgiveness, grace and love you will begin to swim into toxic waters. Anchored in bitterness, anger and pride you will begin to sink. As life’s currents go by, you will exhaust your own strength and the waters will swallow around you.
Breathe is precious and you will not receive it.
My friend, can I implore you to cut those ropes drowning you? Your story is not over, you have a choice to swim free.
I know it is not easy, I too swam attached by weights of my sins. Too prideful to admit any fears and angry about the waters around me.
However, it is because of those pounding waters I made my choice.
A choice to no longer be anchored by anger, but by love.
My choice to no longer be secured by my pride, but surrender to the Author of my life.
It was my choice to look at my life through His eyes and not my own. There I received His grace and cut the rope of resentment and deserving of punishment.
Through my eyes, life did not seem fair. My eyes saw cynicism, deceit and despair. In my choice it was revealed, opportunities to learn just who my Father is.
Lies were exposed and waters began to swell. This is the heart of the storm. We have a real enemy and like seaweed he will try to tangle us up and deprive us of the air we need.
Keep kicking, keep swimming, keep going against the waves.
Fight for your life as if it depended on it, because it does. There is a Lifeguard on duty and you will not die if you allow Him to help.
Your days may not all be tranquil, but you can remain calm when you learn how swim instead of just survive. Let go of your weights. It’s a choice. It will be a choice you make daily, even hourly. Life offers circumstances like crashing waves.
Recognize each riptide as a choice to make:
To sink or to swim.
I like it, not the burdens we are sometimes given, the picture of our Savior.
Thank you, I appreciate it & you dad 🙂