“Dum spiro, spero (Latin), “While I breath, I hope””
~Latin Proverb
Do you believe that anything is possible? Not just the head knowledge of “all things are possible with God.”, but with a deep stirring in your heart that you serve a Father that made the heaven, earth, you and me. When the doctors tells you they found a mass, do you believe in complete healing? When your bank balance in low, do you believe He will provide? When you begin to pursue a dream that has been on your heart, do you believe it will come into fruition?
This is where I find my latest challenge. Hope can be elusive when reality sets in and your fervent prayers require perseverance and patience. When you begin on your dream, hard word ensues. Your hope challenges you physically, mentally and spiritually. I know nothing worth having is easy to acquire; so I’m hoping I will be stronger for going through all of this, but right now I’m facing a big ledge to scale over. Gulp. Looking down, I see the fall will hurt too – I might as well continue to climb… but I do not want to just survive this; I want to THRIVE in this challenge.
I encounter discouragement when I lose my focus on God and instead set my eyes on “my” goal. Circumstances happen and you are forced to deal with the unplanned. Or something that you planned is taking longer than you would like it too. One of my heart’s desires I thought would only take me a few months to come to pass. I am in 9 years of waiting, healing and still hoping. I know it can be hard to see your prayer coming to pass unless you have hope. Though these occurrences are necessary to experience God in a deeper level, it is hard to appreciate the beauty of these lessons while among them.
For times I have lost my focus, I have my closest friends to remind me of what my real goal is (to be a beacon of light for God) and help me stay focused on that and not my present worry. They encourage me to keep my hope afloat when it becomes abstract. I am blessed to have these precious ladies in my life for when I am climbing my dream “mountain” (and for those impromptu shopping trips). I am lovely reminded of God’s truth. He is my fortress, my strength, my banner, my source of joy.
I like how Ralph Waldo Emerson puts it best;
“What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us.”
My prayer for you is to have the hope to be had in your life’s quests.
“I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.” Psalms 130:5 NIV
I like this one, it inspires me! There are way too many distractions to pull us away from the True desire of our hearts, but above all I want Christ to be my focus because that’s where the hope truly lies.
I am so glad you committed the time to write this post, and that you didn’t let life’s circumstances get in the way of sharing your words. I see you scaling any obstacle that gets in the way of your dreams! Your words inspire and I too have “hope”.