Do you ever have a day where you just do not feel OK?
You begin to count your blessings and recite scripture, but that leads to a river of tears. You feel guilty for being sad so you share it with no one, but the truth is some days are just difficult and you know what… that’s OK.
Maybe your day is difficult because you are still in a season of waiting; waiting for healing, waiting for your heart’s desire to come into fruition or freed from the pain of your past. Regardless, when you come to your end; that is where God can begin.
Though God does not inflict pain upon us, He will use our pain for an amazing story of healing, freedom and restoration if we allow it. Be kind and fair to yourself; do not compare your difficulties to another’s. God has you on your own journey. Your journey and someone else’s journey is as similar as your fingerprints. There are some crossroads in our life where choices are difficult, attacks are real and the climb to the mountain top is arduous. We are quick to give our Father praise when we are feeling blessed, might we consider to share with others His comfort on a dark day? Needing comfort does not make us weak, it makes us human. When someone asks you “How are you?”, let’s be courageous. Instead, may we be intrepid by answering today is tough, but God is our Comforter and providing all our strength we need for the moment. It is OK if we admit that we are having a gasp… “bad day”.
A tough day gives us an opportunity to experience God as our Comforter which later leads us to be an example of comfort we encounter from God. 2 Corinthians 1: 3-4 “ Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” How freeing is it to know that our bad day can be used to encourage someone else’s tough day? I do not know about you, but I can relate to someone sharing a stressful day. I no longer feel alone in my battle and beams of hope pierce through the shadows as they share their comfort.
Each day we have choices to make. Dare we choose to share our whole life; sharing the good, the bad and the ugly? Let us be bold in our walk, copious in our compassion and steadfast in knowing God takes our ashes and makes something beautiful.
ajoyfulhouse says
Beautifully said!
jsswoish says
Thank you my dear friend!!
Marie Fitts says
The titled alone grabbed my attention! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve answered “fine” to the how are you question, when I wasn’t really fine at all! As believers we are always blessed to have a mighty God as our comforter! And adversity always brings us closer to Him!
So it definitely is ok not to be ok, especially when we can run into the open arms of Jesus for solice! Very thought provoking! Great job!! I want to read more of your work!!!
jsswoish says
Thank you for your kind words!!