As a lump formed in the back of my throat, my heart splintered. I remind myself to just breathe. It was not the intention, I have an enemy who is out to destroy me. I have to literally think through the steps in my mind to calm myself and lean on what I have learned to do; take my hurt to the one who can mend the crack in my heart.
When we get hurt, it is hard to forgive the offender, especially when they show no remorse or do not ask for forgiveness. Our hurt seeps deeper into the heart and anger drips further where bitterness takes roots. Thoughts go rampant and sleepless nights become a breeding ground for a dreary dawn. It’s a malicious circle and a tangled web we can weave if we do not surrender our thoughts and align our heart to our Creator.
At times, it is a cruel world we live in. But if we take another look, there is beauty to be found underneath it all. Like a rainbow after a thunderstorm, we too can experience a life with hope and peace after a flaming arrow wounds our heart.
Before you can hold hands with Hope and Peace you must first let go of unforgiveness and bitterness.
We come to a fork in the road where one has to choose whose hand to hold. You cannot be at peace with bitterness growing in your heart or have hope when you will not forgive.
This is difficult, our flesh wants the opposite of our design. Especially if you have become very good friends with unforgiveness and bitterness. They will not want to let go.
Hope and Peace are patient companions though and they will hold you up in life’s raging storms. Holding onto them allows you to have a beautiful rainbow in the morning. In those dawn hours as radiant colors of red, orange and yellow streak through the sky, you will see another companion coming to join you – Joy.
Your own words tell the story of your faith. You “lean on what you have learned to do”. You shared too that you “take the hurt to the one who can mend the crack in your heart”.
Your words in these two sentences alone, become a beautiful reminder to all of us to do the same. I love reading your thoughts!