In the rush of a loud world, I can become overwhelmed. From task to task, appointment to deadline, entities around me petition my attention. In between emails and phone calls there is a whisper I am not enough. The lie may be true, but we are not to go through vociferous days alone.
There is a divine place among the demands of life open to those searching for more than what we hear. When we seek out His throne room amidst the calamity of life we are brought to the truth. Outside, the moonlight tries to permeate the swirling snow coming down to no avail. As the heavy snowflakes fell silently to the ground, my mind slowed. “The Lord your God, who is going before you, will fight for you….”. Phone still binging, heart racing, deep breaths needing to take me from the fast pace of the day. Life moves quickly and often the small orchestras of life are not heard. Our joys and grief, our fears and hope etched in our soul knitted tightly to make up who we are and who we are to become. We each are as unique as each snowflake floating down. Handmade there is no need to fret if we are enough. He is enough and He leads us to this place.
A sanctuary of rest.
A place to find peace.
Sacred ground to encounter The King.
So I bow my knee.
It is in the quiet, I come to receive; His word, His comfort, His peace, His instruction for what these moments mean. In His throne room, the softly fallen snow fills the air with His majesty. The wind whips about and soothes my soul to a thanksgiving. The darkness is pierced by His radiance and I bask in the glow of His love.
Though the stillness is swirling around, I find rest at His feet. Here is where I meet Him. He floods me with His presence. I am but a speck in His greatness, but grateful He sees me in all my smallness. He sees me differently. He sees greatness in a servant hand, authenticity through meekness, courage to face the uncertainty.
He gazes into the hidden places of our hearts. We may have doubts, but He does not. He raises the dead from past transgressions. His love covers all and though we do not deserve it, He gives His love at these moments for but one reason.
His love conquers all. He goes before us and leads us to this place where we can feel Him. The overwhelming peace we will make it, calm assuredness tugs our sleeves and we yield into safe arms ready to engulf us with what our heart needs.
Healing and freedom are not quick actions. They are endeavors beginning when we look at our fear and choose to step anyway in faith. You see my friend, when we meet with our Majesty He gives to us generously. Anxiety is shaken, no longer binding. Burdens are lifted to another’s shoulders who has already purchased the weight. Tiredness is rejuvenated. With eyes afresh we see today as He – white as snow.
He yearns to meet us there. He reveals the truth to our worries and carries us through the fire. Doubts are quenched for when He speaks to our heart there is power in His name. His covering strengthens our weakness and in Him we not only survive life’s catastrophes – we thrive in them.
The music is muted, the beeps and buzzers are silenced. The world is inaudible now and I feel His hand placed on my head. With no explanation, all is well deep in my soul. My heart is soothed and bursting in a one fluid movement. I am settled and vaulting to be closer. Kneeing still, I am dancing in the beauty of my God. In the soundless throne room I am alive.
Quietly, my heart is wooed.
Can you hear the silence calling too?
Deuteronomy 1:29-31
29 Then I said to you, “Do not be terrified; do not be afraid of them.30 The Lord your God, who is going before you, will fight for you, as he did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes, 31 and in the wilderness. There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.”
Marie says
“A sanctuary of rest. A place to find peace. Sacred ground to encounter The King”.
These words are so very poetic. I long to stand on that sacred ground with you my sweet friend!
I love reading your thoughts!