“Bitterness imprisons life; love releases it. Bitterness paralyzes life; love empowers it. Bitterness sours life; love sweetens it. Bitterness sickens life; love heals it. Bitterness blinds life; love anoints its eyes.” – Harry Emerson Fosdick
“When did this bitterroot become so twisted around my heart?” Oh, that’s right – I did not up root it to begin with and like any root, it will continue to grow whatever it is around. Stubbornly, I allowed a hurt to manifest when I should have sought my Father for truth and healing in my hurt. Throw in some bad communication and a bent ear to an enemy out to destroy me for fertilizer and this root was bound to thrive around my heart.
That was my internal conversation one night as I was trying vehemently not to throw the nasty dagger look to my husband as he was, well being a husband. My bitter thoughts took me to a little party and pity was the host. I don’t even remember arriving there, but once I started to taste the sweet looking dish being served I quickly tasted the bitterness and realized this was not where I belong.
I am loved.
I am valued.
Bitterness does not keep company in this circle and has no place around my heart. My heart has already been given to another.
Years ago I was wooed by One who delights over me. I swooned as I was fought for and He captured my heart when He told me he sees me.
-El Roi has had my devoted heart since that day.
So with bended knees and heavy heart I surrendered my hurt and asked for forgiveness. No matter how many times I have done this before, He continues to extend His mercy and grace to me. As He picked me up, He kissed my forehead. I am His cherished daughter and He reassures me the way a doting Father does to His child. You know what? So are you- a cherished child of The King who wants nothing more than a relationship with His children.
I adore my Father and not just because of His forgiveness and comfort.
He has been there every time I reach out to Him.
He has listened to me when I was alone.
He was tender with His correction and quick to show me grace.
He shows me how to love.
He provides, protects, pursues and polishes me.
I still do not have it all figured out, far from it -but I have given myself to my Heavenly Father and love reigns over my heart. Similar to a garden, in love areas are exposed to ensure this is not fertile ground for a bitterroot. It takes hard work to grow a garden. Many roots are severed and dug out so the desired plant may thrive. Nutrients like patience, kindness, keeps no record of wrongs and not easily angered will keep that bitterroot from growing back. The Master Gardner of my heart tugs at the bitter root and when it breaks my heart is free. With room to grow, my heart can be full.
The hard work and toil of this beautiful garden is worth the reward. We have a Father who will help us tend to this heart’s garden, like a father helps a child learn to ride a bike. Always at the ready to steady us at the first sign of stumble and tend to our wounds when we try to go at it alone.
My trowel is in hand – are you ready to dig in with me and make a little more room to love?
“The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.” Isaiah 58:11
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